How to Promote Healthy Weight Loss While Taking Semaglutide: Six Tips to Energize Your Body

Semaglutide injectables, sold under labels like Ozempic and Wegovy, are game changers in the weight loss arena. Adapting new habits early on in your treatment will not only help you promote healthy weight reduction but help to ensure optimal results. Here are six sustainable tips to energize your body and support your journey to a healthy BMI.

Revolutionize Your Weight Loss Journey With Semaglutide and Healthy Habits

Have you tried everything to shed those extra pounds, but your Body Mass Index (BMI) is still 30+? It may be time for you to try something new. Semaglutide medications are changing how we address and think about weight loss. These weekly injectables can kick-start your weight-reduction plan and help you maintain an admirable BMI for a lifetime when combined with healthy habits.

At De La Belle, we’ve compiled a list of science-based, common-sense tips to help you stay healthy in mind, body and spirit during your weight loss journey. But first, let’s start with a brief overview of semaglutide and how it works.

Semaglutide: What It Is and How It Works

Semaglutide medications were initially developed to assist in controlling blood sugar spikes in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes, a condition that often develops in adulthood and is closely linked to obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes occurs when the pancreas struggles to produce enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that stimulates glucose production, also called blood sugar, a byproduct of digested food. Glucose fuels your body’s energy levels and powers the functioning of your internal organs. If your body cannot produce enough or effectively process insulin, your blood sugar may spike, and your healthcare provider may prescribe synthetic insulin.

Approximately 80% of those diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes are obese. Using semaglutide for weight management began when caregivers noticed a correlation between weight loss and those prescribed semaglutide to control their Type 2 Diabetes. Semaglutide curbs appetite and delays gastric emptying so you feel fuller longer. It also keeps your blood sugar from spiking to reduce cravings.

This discovery led to the realization that semaglutide could encourage more than a 15% net weight loss in some individuals, if they were good candidates and followed doctor-recommended lifestyle changes.

Are You a Good Candidate for Semaglutide Treatment?

If you have a BMI of 30 or higher with no weight loss success or a BMI of 27 and above with one or more related health conditions, semaglutide treatment may be appropriate. Related health conditions include obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea.

Semaglutide treatment may not be for you if you have had certain thyroid cancers, pancreatitis or kidney issues, are pregnant or nursing, cannot tolerate weekly injections or do not want to commit to the possibility of a long-term treatment plan.

Something else to keep in mind is that semaglutide may interfere with the efficacy of oral birth control, so the use of an additional type of birth control is recommended. Be sure to discuss all your health issues and concerns with your provider.

Does Semaglutide Work Even If You Don’t Have Type 2 Diabetes?

Yes. Semaglutide is effective for weight loss even if you do not have diabetes. Products containing different prescription strengths are sold under various brand names. At De La Belle Wellness & Spa, we are here to help you determine which brand and prescription strength semaglutide is right for you.

If you decide to discontinue your prescribed protocol, for whatever reason, you can regain the weight you have lost. This is why promoting a healthy lifestyle and consciously changing how you eat and live is not just important; it’s crucial. Your commitment to these changes can help you attain optimal results from semaglutide and assist with maintenance should you end treatment.

As effective as semaglutide medications are, they are just a tiny part of the healthy lifestyle story. Make these six simple steps part of your daily routine and start enjoying the renewed energy that comes with your new body.

Six Tips to Promote Healthy Weight Loss on Semaglutides

Adopt a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Semaglutide may have you looking great, but the battle for your body is just beginning. You may be eating less, as semaglutide does a great deal to help curb hunger, but you must still be aware that what you put into your body is equally as important as what you keep out of it.

Be mindful of your calorie intake. Typical calorie intake should range between 1,000 to 1,800 calories daily and consist of nutrient-rich foods, lean proteins, fiber-rich foods and complex carbohydrates. A dietician can help you formulate a plan to assist you in making the right, sustainable choices.

Drink it Up: Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help reduce hunger, flush out toxins and benefit your metabolism. In general, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest that “each day, women get a total of about 2.7 liters (11 cups) of fluid, and men get about 3.7 liters (16 cups).” Not all of that fluid has to be water intake. Whole, nutrient-rich foods and beverages, including the following, also count toward your fluid intake:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Sparkling water
  • Kombucha
  • Coconut water

Get Moving

Yes, you read that right. Move. Exercise is the fountain of youth, keeps your joints limber and clears your head. It can also lower your cholesterol levels. If you build more muscle, you will burn more calories. The math is that simple. If you don’t like to exercise, consider this: the recommended amount of weekly movement is 150 minutes. It takes about five hours a week and can be broken into “bite-size chunks.” You can split your hour into 30 minutes twice a day.

Always consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Remember, easy does it. If you are new to working out, slowly and gradually increase your intensity.

Take Care of Your Mental Health: Prioritize You

Maintaining a healthy attitude and being patient during your weight loss program is essential. Weight loss is not immediate, but it will happen. As you build confidence in your new look, realize that a slimmer body, while great for your physical health, will not change the entire circumstances of your life. There may also be times when you reach a plateau and become frustrated.

Please keep in mind that the decision to embark on semaglutide treatment may mean a lifelong commitment. Practicing mindfulness, awareness and meditation are helpful. Always take time for yourself or speak with a counselor if needed.


Getting 8-9 hours of shuteye with more than your mood and feelings of well-being. People who experience weight loss may notice an improvement in their quality of sleep as well as quantity, as weight loss can reduce sleep apnea and other metabolic disturbances that may occur. So get out that sleep mask and enjoy a fuller night by maintaining regular sleep hours.

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol may increase the severity of semaglutide’s side effects. The good news is there is evidence that you may not want to drink as much as you did in the past. The jury is still out on smoking cannabis while taking semaglutide. As always, the use of tobacco is a no-no.

Find Out If Semaglutide Is Right for You

We invite you to explore your options for semaglutide and other wellness and nutrition opportunities at De La Belle Wellness & Spa today. As a leading medical wellness and weight loss clinic in Memphis, we help our clients look and feel their best by providing the latest treatments and products alongside thorough education about how to get the most out of them.

Contact us or call our office at 901-433-9024 to learn more.