DE|RIVE: A Revolutionary New Hair Loss Treatment

Thanks to continued refinements in noninvasive hair restoration treatments like DE|RIVE, you no longer have to choose between a transplant procedure or underwhelming topical treatments.

But with innovation comes more options, meaning more confusion for the first-time hair restoration patient especially.

This guide will both introduce DE|RIVE and contextualize it alongside other popular hair restoration treatments to give you a more complete picture of your options.

First and foremost, what makes DE|RIVE such a powerful hair restoration serum?

How DE|RIVE Exosomes Promote Natural Hair Growth

Researchers are still exploring the nature of the connection, but a positive correlation between exosomes like those in DE|RIVE and hair regrowth has been solidly established.

Backing up a step, exosomes are tiny (even on the cellular level) vesicles, or bubble-like containers, that are created by our cells.

Exosomes operate outside of cell bodies like little personal assistants or couriers, delivering proteins, lipids and other substances to target cells. This allows for improved communication between cells, in turn stimulating (or inhibiting) many important processes throughout our body.

For example, this study on the effects of garlic exosomes on animal study participants elucidated several cell signaling pathways that the exosomes stimulated to significantly improve follicle count, follicle diameter and collagen level (including platelet-derived growth factor, B-catenin and others).

In the case of DE|RIVE, a 100% natural serum, exosomes may help to encourage inactive hair follicles to reenter the growth phase.

That’s not the only way DE|RIVE’s exosomes may encourage hair regrowth. Other possible actions include managing inflammation responses and enhancing circulation throughout the scalp tissue.

Notably, DE|RIVE is completely natural, hormone-free, and has been declared safe by the manufacturers for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

It’s also important to note that, while exosome-powered serum treatments like DE|RIVE may target hair loss from multiple angles, people with skin conditions or any other medical concerns affecting the scalp area should always confirm with a medical professional that the treatment is a safe and appropriate choice for them to use.


DE|RIVE vs Hair Transplants: Use Cases, Side Effects and More

Historically, hair regrowth serums have been reserved for milder and/or more transient cases of hair loss, while hair transplant procedures addressed more permanent and/or severe cases.

Because DE|RIVE is powerful enough to address more advanced hair loss cases than other topical serums, it may offer another option for those who would have traditionally been limited to a transplant procedure.

Several common patterns of hair loss, both in men and women, may be effectively treated with DE|RIVE, but very severe cases may not. You can also use it as a supplementary treatment, whether alongside a transplant procedure or other hair regrowth treatments.

If you are unsure as to whether or not DE|RIVE is an appropriate and potentially effective treatment for your situation, speaking with a medical professional is always a wise first step in finding more answers.

As always, our team at De La Belle Wellness & Spa is happy to answer any of your questions.

Now that we’ve outlined how and when these two treatments are often applied, here’s a summary of how they differ across major considerations like the recovery process, aftercare requirements and more:


Downtime can vary slightly on a case-by-case basis, but usually, hair transplant patients need to take one to three days off of work.

Exercise and other strenuous activities are generally discouraged for the first week or so following the procedure, and patients may experience scabs, itching and/or numbness on or around the treatment areas. The use of lotions, oils or other moisturizers is recommended to help the scalp heal and soften up following the procedure.

Since DE|RIVE is a completely noninvasive serum, there is no downtime or activity restriction to worry about.


For the majority of cases, we recommend three applications of DE|RIVE for sustainable results. Once the sessions are completed, there is no formal aftercare requirement other than general hair loss prevention recommendations (diet, gentle handling, etc.).

Hair transplant aftercare, on the other hand, usually involves frequent rest, swelling management, saline sprays and abstaining from various activities for several days (swimming, strenuous exercise, etc.).


Unfortunately, since hair transplants are considered a cosmetic procedure by the majority of insurance carriers, they are rarely covered, and can cost anywhere between a few to more than fifteen thousand dollars.

DE|RIVE delivers a hormone-free, completely natural solution for a fraction of the cost.

How to Get the Most From Your DE|RIVE Treatment

With DE|RIVE natural serum treatments, there is zero downtime whatsoever after your initial or follow-up treatments. You can go about the rest of your day and week as you normally would, including exercising, your normal bathing routine, and so on.

After the first treatment, you’ll receive a 30-day supply of serum that you can self-apply at home via a simple supply pump. The best way to maximize your chances of success is to apply the treatment consistently as directed for the entirety of the treatment period.

At any point following your initial visit, contact us if you have any questions or notice any symptoms you want to discuss.

It’s also important that you avoid applying excess friction, pulling or other forces to your hair or scalp—both during this time and in general for hair health.

On the nutrition front, foods that contain protein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, selenium and/or biotin support scalp and hair health in various ways.

Everybody responds to treatment slightly differently, including when they first start seeing results, so the most important thing is to consistently apply the treatment and closely monitor your hair regrowth to gauge effectiveness.

Ready for a Change?

As passionate advocates for natural and nonsurgical hair restoration solutions that actually work, De La Belle Wellness & Spa in Memphis, TN proudly offers DE|RIVE hair restoration treatments to a wide range of patients.

Whether you’re ready to start today or if you have any questions about your eligibility for DE|RIVE, how it works, and so on, we’re happy to help. Contact our office here or give us a call at 901-433-9024.